Looking Back on 2014

Twenty-Fourteen was quite the year.

I got a plane ticket to Colorado for spring break (then told parents I was going), finished my first year of college, drove to Virginia for the Dominion Riverrock Festival, got an amazing internship opportunity with Anne Skidmore Photography, worked as an in-house staff member and volunteer climbing instructor for Kismet Rock Foundation, my dog had litter of eight puppies, I lead my first trad climb and I encountered so many positive and inspiring individuals along the way. On top of all that, I feel as though I’ve developed greatly as an artist. Thanks to great professors, mentors and peers.

This coming year already has so much in store, like going on my first big climbing trip and spending my birthday halfway across the world. But I can’t wait to see what other surprises it will bring as well.

Here are some of my artistic highlights of 2014:

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